Thriving In A Time Of Corona

Andrew Wayfinder Hryniewicz


Practical Tips, Tools And Resources To Survive, Thrive And Grow While In “Lock Down” (aka The Great Global Reset.)

“The only way to see a future is to create a future.”

— Bill Mollison

I’ve been working at home for almost 20 years. Here’s some things I’ve learned about how not to go stir-crazy…

As well as some ideas and resources to help you survive and thrive in the Corona Pandemic period.

We all need you to stay safe, sane and connected.

We are going through a major pause and re-think. The old ways of working weren’t working and human consciousness is evolving to new levels. And some people will resist changing out of fear or mis-understanding.

(If the links don’t work, cut and paste them into the address bar.)


  • Stay scheduled… put on real clothes, shave, makeup, etc…. (living the “laptop lifestyle” in your sweats or pjs saps your focus and can get you down.)
  • Keep a clear boundary between you work and non-work (open/shut your office door or computer, cross an imaginary threshold, etc.) so you “turn off” at the end of the day.
  • Keep up (or develop) an exercise routines (see below for ideas now that gyms are closed.)
  • Self-care routines (meditation, gratitude journals/journaling, planning time, focusing on positive visions) are important.
  • Make at least one real meal a day (from scratch if you can.) Sit down and enjoy it mindfully. (Eating canned chilli standing over the sink is not dining.) If you’re alone, invite another single friend and share a ‘virtual meal’ using zoom.
  • Even though you’re self-isolating, make sure to be outside and get fresh air and natural light every day. Having natural light hit the back of your eyes is important for mood regulation. (Even the greyest winter day is 10X brighter than the brightest indoor light.)

Hand Sanitizer: How to make your own DIY Hand sanitiser


Distancing and isolation limits your exposure to the virus, but keeping your immune system strong is important too.

Stress, anxiety, worry (SAW) all lower our immune responses.

You can lower your SAW in 2 ways:

  1. Stress-busting practices are good in themselves.
  2. Taking actions/feeling effective helps to regain control and lower SAW.

Augmenting Immunity. A blog post by Peter Diamandis with lots of information:

Qui Gong. I’ve been doing Qui Gong for years and can’t imagine a day without it. Alessandro is a good teacher and friend, and he’s put a great routine on video

Healing Meditation. I was given a healing meditation by my spirit helpers last year and you can listen to it here. There’s also a general calming and energy balancing you can do as well.

Wim Hof Breathing. Breathing has a huge effect on your mood and energy. I do this as well and it’s very powerful.

Wim has discovered some amazing things about how to boost your body’s energy and immunity systems which he discusses here with Russell Brand


Several options here (I’ve used all of them)

The One-Minute Workout: Gymnastics-like exercises with your bodyweight you can do anywhere: One-Minute Workout Book

Functional Isometrics: Like above but a more intense, whole-body workout

Turkish Get-Up: “The get-up is loaded yoga… if I were limited to only one exercise, it would be the Turkish get-up.” Gray Cook Navy SEAL/NFL Physical Therapist.

Practice the get-up while balancing a sneaker on your clenched fist (If it falls off, you’re doing it wrong…) Then move on to using weights.

Short overview:

And in case you think it’s just for big, bulky men…

“Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.”

— Marie Curie


The WHO (World Health Organisation) says the ‘Datademic’ is as big a problem as the actual ‘Pandemic’ given the bad information, scare-mongering and anxiety the data flood can create.

So, don’t watch the news more than once a day (if at all). And look for good news…

FutureLoop. Peter Diamandis (founder of the X-Prize) sees a lot of solutions that’re being developed in labs and research centres.

FutureLoop is an AI driven news platform designed to “find high-quality news on how converging exponential technologies (e.g. AI, robotics, CRISPR, drones, cellular medicines, sensors, etc.) are being used to detect, prevent and cure the COVID-19 pandemic.”

His goal is to deliver you “data-driven optimism” to help combat the viral growth of fear.

Chris Wollams Health Watch A cancer and general health website. Very evidence based, common sense and focused on what you can do. A good article on Corona virus and panic:

Analysing Pandemics 56-min interview with Jeffrey P. Gold, MD, chancellor of the University of Nebraska Medical Center (a leading centre linked with the CDC, US Defense Dept, WHO and Global pandemic preparedness.)

Big takeaway: isolation is vital. In the 1918 Spanish flu St. Louis started quarantine measures 2 weeks earlier than Philadelphia. (St Louis had 50 deaths/100,000 population, Philadelphia 253/100,000.)

And contributing factors (age, additional health problems, weakened immune systems) are what makes people vulnerable.

Joe Rogan Podcast: Michael Osterholm director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy, U Minnesota talking about epidemics, disease, myths.

The opening quote about creating a future is by Bill Mollison.

In the early 70’s Bill co-founded the field of permaculture(the science and practice of “permanent culture”.) Burnt out by protesting the destruction of the land, rivers and forests, he realised the only antidote to despair was creation.

So… what are you going to create?

Andrew Wayfinder Hryniewicz, HG Dip (Dist.) is an architect, therapist and shaman based in London UK. Andrew helps people be happier, healthier, more productive and creative by unlocking their mind’s limitless potential for healing, insight, wisdom and growth. Go to to discover more.



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