‘Shift Your Wealth Setpoint’ With Transformational Coach Sherri Kaye Hoff
The Destiny Awakening Interviews is a podcast with Andrew Wayfinder and his guests.
Every week (sometimes more) we have a short focused interview with an expert, author, speaker designed to bring you powerful insights, inspiration and ways to break free, live life by your vision and values, and make a difference in our changing and challenging world.
Listen to the podcast at: https://www.andrewwayfinder.com/blog/DA0042
Andrew Hryniewicz
So hello, everyone and a very warm welcome to another edition of the Destiny Awakening Interviews.
I’m Andrew Wayfinder Hryniewicz. And I’m joined today by Sherri Kaye Hoff, transformational business coach, author and podcast host.
So a very warm welcome to you, Sherry, and where are you hanging out today?
Sherri Kaye Hoff
Well, thank you so much. And I’m in Parker, Colorado. It’s a beautiful day.
Andrew Hryniewicz
Aren’t you lucky? Yes, we… What’s today in England? Today was rainy and grey. No surprise there.
So let’s get on to your work. So Sherri Kaye Hoff is a transformational business coach known for “inspiring intuition, vision and massive action”.
And she’s a catalyst for personal and business growth, joy and profits, in a way that’s fun, relaxing and fulfilling. Sherry uses both spiritual and practical techniques to obliterate the blocks and create transformational change.
She’s a business leadership, happiness and inner game expert. She had her own “near death experience” five years ago, which has made her life mission sharing “the keys of happiness and success” with her clients.
So thank you, Sherri, for your time today. And we’re going to be looking at the topic of “Shift Your Wealth Setpoint”. Sherry’s going to unpack that by answering six questions.
So the first question, Sherry, who is your ideal client, and what’s the transformation your work helps them achieve?
Sherri Kaye Hoff
So my ideal client is a small business professional service provider, but they always have some kind of spiritual element.
You know, they’re either beginning searching or open to spirituality, or they might be very far along their spiritual journey. They’re people full of integrity and loyalty, kindness… they have a mission.
So their business is more than just,“I’m in business to make money”. They have a real vision for making change and creating a better world.
Andrew Hryniewicz
Okay, so what’s the transformation your work helps them accomplish?
Sherri Kaye Hoff
So most people think, “Okay, I want to grow my business”. And they think they’re looking for a strategy.
But what happens is a personal transformation that you have. And it’s the person that you become along the journey of growing your business… that is really the true gift.
And so your business doesn’t transform, until you transform.
And so you see this all the time in small things. Like people who are afraid to be seen, or afraid to be visible. All of a sudden, they’re on stage talking in front of lots of people, or doing a podcast.
Those are things of growth and transformation that happen as you go, from starting a business. Or maybe even being in business for a while. But deciding that you want to scale your business and become more successful. And make more money, make a bigger difference.
So the transformation is really deciding inside to create a much bigger vision for your life, and your whole life. Because we all are kind of glued down by how we were raised or the experiences that we had.
And most people are afraid.
I ask people all the time, “Well, what is your goal?”
“I want to make more money.”
“Well, how much more money?”
And they have no idea because all they have thought is they want more money.
But the idea of saying, “I want to double my income”. Or “I want this kind of lifestyle”… feels too big and scary.
And I’m frankly shocked at how many people are like that.
They would rather just say they want one little tiny piece of the pie, instead of the whole shebang.
Andrew Hryniewicz
Okay, well, that I think is a perfect segue into question number two. So what’s the biggest challenge they’re facing? And it sounds like that’s exactly…
Sherri Kaye Hoff
Yeah. So they’re usually… everyone actually, no matter who you are, your biggest challenge is your mindset, and your set of beliefs.
And so, people can take class after class, and training after training. But if that mindset and that set of beliefs doesn’t shift and change, you will see maybe some improvements. Or improvement for a while.
But until you make that leap into really thinking a different way…
I was talking to a client the other day and we were talking about the value of her time. And we set a dollar amount because her cost accountant said, “We need to figure out your time, not just your employee’s time and the creation of these products”.
And so it’s her transformational work to step into what the real value of her time is. And it’s just amazing to see that unfold.
Andrew Hryniewicz
Okay, great. So question number three, what’s the number one insight you would share with people right now to help them?
Sherri Kaye Hoff
Okay, so this is just going to be so simple. But the number one insight is to really journal every single day… Create that as a practice. And I have a kind of elaborate journaling practice that I use. Or you could call it a morning ritual.
But do something that keeps you putting one foot in front of the other, and keeps you grounded and centered. And focused on what your goal is for the day, for the week, for the month, for the year, for the next five years.
Because we all get so distracted, you know. We’re like, “Yes, I want to write a book”, and then “Oh, look at the butterfly over there”. And I think looking at butterflies is wonderful, but we’ve got to have focused attention. So…
Andrew Hryniewicz
Reminds me of a favorite t-shirt that says,“When you’re up to your ass in alligators, it’s hard to remember you’re here to drain the swamp”.
Sherri Kaye Hoff
That’s a good one.
Andrew Hryniewicz
So question number four, in your own development, what was the most impactful concept, book, experience?
Sherri Kaye Hoff
So I’ve had many. But the most recent, big dramatic event was five years ago, when I lost consciousness, went over to the other side. And, you know, I had one of those near death experiences.
I went into the light and met beings that said to me, “It’s not your time yet. And we’ll get you back in your body”.
And I came back into my body.
And I was on a ventilator and was told that I might have to have a heart transplant within a year. And then within three weeks of that event, I just had a miraculous healing. And a lot of that healing, I believe, the doctors call this “spontaneous remission”.
I know it’s a miracle.
But I believe that that miracle came because I decided how I was going to live my life. Before I knew I even was going to have healing.
Like I didn’t know if I was going to live three months, or six months or a year or five years. And I decided I was just going to live the way I’ve been teaching my clients for years, you know, just full on, full out… going for everything on my bucket list, and being happy and not sweating the small stuff.
And I’ve continued that. I kind of was like that before, but even more dramatic and impactful since that experience. So I still have some angel dust on my shoulders, I feel like.
Andrew Hryniewicz
Oh, great. Thank you.
So question number five. What’s a free resource you’d like to share with the audience to help them today?
Sherri Kaye Hoff
So I have a masterclass called “Five Keys to Explosive Growth in Your Business” and it talks about transformation, vision, omnipresent marketing, mindset and that special magic sauce that you need to pull it all together.
So it’s about the best masterclass that I’ve ever done and, and something that anyone who listens will get a lot out of it.
Andrew Hryniewicz
Okay, and that will be on your website, and I’ll put the show notes: sherikayehoff.com/five-keys-to-explosive-biz-growth-free-training/.
And now the last question, number six. Sherri, what should I have asked you that I didn’t ask you?
Sherri Kaye Hoff
Just asked me what I like to do for fun.
Andrew Hryniewicz
What do you like to do for fun?
Sherri Kaye Hoff
Well, I’m a travel girl and I love the beach. Aand I’m a water girl, so I love to be in the water. If I’m at the beach, I’m in the water usually.
And I’ve even had a shark encounter when I was in a kayak in the Bahamas. So lived to tell about that one.
Yeah, so the shark attack wasn’t fun, but it was fun to realize that I could be calm through something like that.
Andrew Hryniewicz
Yeah. Was it an actual attack? Or was it just, you and the shark were in the…
Sherri Kaye Hoff
It was more like a lurking. My girlfriend and I were paddling the kayak and her dog kept trying to swim out to us. And she was paddling the kayak and she hits something. And we’re both paddling, and she’s like, “Oh, my gosh, a shark”.
And then we both went completely silent. And all we could think of was the dog. So we paddled as fast as we could to the dog.
Imagine now a kayak, which is tippy, and the shark is circling the kayak. And we pull the dog into a kayak, and paddle back to her house. And the whole way back, the shark circled us the whole time.
Andrew Hryniewicz
I’ll tell you a story about that when we get off the call.
Sherri Kaye Hoff
Sounds good.
Andrew Hryniewicz
So that’s perfect, Sherry, thank you so much for your time today.